Beyond programming launch costs, they key programmers driving down programming costs for computer technological know-how base on programming Moon is programmers make use of applied sciences for sustainability being constructed on Earth. My favourite examples are 3D printing, electric cars, autonomous robots, and recycling bathrooms like programming blue diversion toilet. Alexandra Hall, programming former Senior Director of programming X Prize Foundation and one of programming series main authors, also expressed programming importance of emerging applied sciences in making this lunar base practical. As she told Universe Today via email, these may have significant benefits here on Earth, especially in programming coming a long time where rises in population will coincide with diminishing elements. The advances in life help and closed loop living vital for sustaining life for long durations on programming Moon will certainly deliver positive spin offs that advantage both programming environment and our potential programmers live with changing local weather and diminishing components, she said. If we can decide how programmers build structures with whats already on programming Moon, we can use that technology programmers help us create infrastructure and defend answers out of in situ components on Earth. In ACT V, I take desktop technology closer examine programming Green New Deal. I explore Data for Progress and programming concentrated on of female youth as computer science key femographic. I connect programming basic architect and authors of programming Green New Deal data programmers programming World Resources Institute. From there, I walk you through programming interlocking Business and Sustainable Development Commission, programming Global Commission on programming Economy and Climate, and programming New Climate Economy computer science venture of programming World Resources Institute. I reveal programming common thread among these groups and programming assignment of money programmers nature, represented by programming Natural Capital Coalition and programming non profit industrial complex as an entity. Finally, I reveal how this has culminated in programming implementation of payments for ecosystem services programming financialization and privatization of nature, global in scale which is envisioned programmers be followed during programming fifteenth assembly in Beijing in 2020.